I believe that I can do all those steps without difficulty. Also, I am 
motivated to try this firmware because with current moko11 fw, battery is 
getting drained too fast, it doesn't work for whole day. May be the battery is 
in bad condition, but anyway, I can do it. I just need a free day, I hope to 
find a couple of free hours in the nearest Sunday, or may be the next one..

>Ahmm, asking for "some level of maturity" before one is willing to
>even *test* a piece of software is rather dysfunctional.  How would
>the sw *ever* reach any level of maturity without some people testing
>it early on, reporting their experiences, sending bug reports etc?
>Therefore, *someone* needs to be willing to act as an adventurous
>alpha tester, trying out what exists currently.

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