We used to have that problem regularly and with increasing frequency and it
was a MAJOR issue for us.  While Declude's Hijack filter kept the messages
from going out, the overhead of filtering all of those messages (often 100k
or more) put too much load on our server & firewall (too many open ports for
all those DNS lookups) and we would have periods where messages backed up in
the Declude proc folder - backlogs of hundreds of thousands of messages.
That would result in delay of legit mail (I'd have to create a new spool,
clean up the Hold2 folder, then move messages in batches into the spool).
Delayed delivery, as you can imagine, infuriated clients.  

I had Declude hijack configured to send me a message when an IP hit the
Hold2 threshold, and I'd review those messages to find the account and
disable it.  However, if the event occurred when I wasn't on hand, or if
they had already sent 100k messages from various IP's...  it was a problem.

On newer versions of Imail, there is a feature called HAMR (hacked account
mail regulator).  This feature works differently.  It doesn't look at volume
originating on a given IP, but rather from a given account.  When the
threshold you have set is exceeded, the account is automatically disabled.
However, the messages sent before that threshold is triggered are still
relayed.  So, I use both, so that the first messages get held by Declude.   

My Declude settings are:

My default HAMR settings are 500 messages from an account in a day (HAMR can
be configured at the per user level).  Since it can be configured per
account, those businesses, like banks sending monthly statements or vet
clinics sending monthly appointment due reminders or whatever can be
configured for higher thresholds.  I just increase their threshold for the
account they use for that purpose, and just for that day.  

The Declude threshold is still occasionally hit first, and messages get
held, but that has been the case with decreasing frequency.  Because
spammers IP hop so frequently, and Declude is based on IP, the Imail HAMR
feature is more often the one that brings the hammer down on the spammer
Once the HAMR threshold is exceeded, the hijacked account is disabled - and
Declude doesn't have to process any more messages from that account.  And,
if it happens in the middle of night or while I'm away, the account gets
disabled automajically instead of the spammer just using a new IP every few
minutes and the backlog building.  

There have been periods (often a few weeks before news breaks of a big hack
somewhere else where people used the same password - so much so that I can
pretty much guess some big system has been hacked) when dozens of accounts
might be disabled by HAMR in a day and only rarely has an account been
HAMR'd for legit mail.   

The Imail Account Harvensting Prevention Options have helped, too, to
prevent accounts from being hijacked.  At any given time, there are dozens
of IP's on my Imail SMTP control access list that have been temporarily
blocked (duration is 60 minutes) for too many failed login attempts and only
once (last week, as it so happens) has that been due to a user with a
forgotten password.  

I haven't found a silver bullet, but a series of features/systems all
together are getting it done.  

Katie LaSalle-Lowery
1120 S. Russell; Ste B
Missoula, MT 59801
ph (406)549-3337
fax (406)541-9338

-----Original Message-----
From: community@mailsbestfriend.com [mailto:community@mailsbestfriend.com]
On Behalf Of Daniel Ivey
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2014 6:22 AM
To: community@mailsbestfriend.com
Subject: [MBF] Re: hijacked accounts

I am running Imail 8.22 on Windows Server 2003.  These are different
accounts each time, as once I identify one account, I disable that account
to fix the issue for the time being.

I do not have my logs enabled.


 -----Original Message-----
From:   Heimir Eidskrem [mailto:hei...@i360.net] 
Sent:   Friday, July 18, 2014 5:06 PM
To:     community@mailsbestfriend.com
Subject:        [MBF] Re: hijacked accounts

Are you using smartermail or Imail?ere 

Are they using the same account every time?

What does your log files say?


Heimir Eidskrem

i360 Consulting
11152 Westheimer
Suite 147
Houston, TX 77042
Ph:  713-981-4900

Houston's Leading Internet Consulting Company

-----Original Message-----
From: community@mailsbestfriend.com [mailto:community@mailsbestfriend.com]
On Behalf Of Daniel Ivey
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 3:42 PM
To: community@mailsbestfriend.com
Subject: [MBF] hijacked accounts

I am having an issue with one of my mail servers where a SPAMMER is
hijacking an email account and then is causing my webmail interface to quit
working because they are logged in X number of times sending SPAM.  I have
HiJack turned on and the thresholds set very low and these SPAMMERS keep
getting under my thresholds.  Has anyone else had this issue and if so, what
was the fix?


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