Our garden is $12 a year for a plot (includes a garden key) and $5  
for supporting membership but no key. We have roughly 80 active  
plots. Elderly members get a reduced rate. Local community  
organizations can get a free plot but it must be utilized. We can  
keep the rates low due to our active fundraising with grants,  
donations, t-shirt sales or events. All plot holding members must  
contribute 4 hours of community garden work per month and attend a  
minimum number of monthly garden meetings.

William Hohauser
6th Street & Avenue B Garden
New York City

On Nov 2, 2006, at 12:36 PM, Janet Parker wrote:

> Dear ACGA friends,
> What are plot fees for gardens in your city?
> Here in Madison, Wisconsin we use a sliding scale so that people of  
> all
> income levels can be part of the gardens and pay each according to
> her/his ability.  We are looking at raising rates and wondering what
> plot fees are in other places.
> I imagine that in some cities each individual garden sets its fees,  
> and
> in places with citywide programs there is a standard fee.  What's your
> garden's situation?  We'd also be interested to hear the size of your
> plots.
> Thank you!
> Peace,
> Janet Parker
> Community Gardens - CAC Food & Gardens
> 1717 N. Stoughton Road
> Madison, WI 53704
> janetp at cacscw.org
> 608-246-4730 ext. 218
> www.cacscw.org/gardens
> _______________________________________________
> The American Community Gardening Association listserve is only one  
> of ACGA's services to community gardeners. To learn more about the  
> ACGA and to find out how to join, please go to http:// 
> www.communitygarden.org
> To post an e-mail to the list:   
> community_garden at list.communitygarden.org
> To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your subscription:  http:// 
> list.communitygarden.org/mailman/listinfo/ 
> community_garden_list.communitygarden.org

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