Eliza, you can also talk to the gal here in Seattle that runs our
cultivating youth program http://www.cultivatingyouth.org/
Acacia Larson I am sure would be happy to talk with you. 
acacia at cultivatingyouth.org  or (206) 257-8245
Is your address on Hinds I can also send you out a packet of info that
we send out to folks wanting to start community gardens.

I just have one question for the rest of you quick repliers were are
you finding the time to be on the computer at this time of the year!

Thanks for your time,
Sandy Pernitz
Community Garden Coordinator
P-Patch Program/Dept. of Neighborhoods
"Gardens are not made by sitting in the shade."  Rudyard Kipling
Department of Neighborhoods
PO Box 94649
Seattle, WA 98124-4649
sandy.pernitz at seattle.gov
office location: 700 5th Avenue Suite 1700

>>> Steven Garrett <geografood at yahoo.com> 5/1/2007 2:53 PM >>>
I will forward (cc) this request to WSU Extension since they do school
gardening education in King County and their HQ is in Renton. For what
it is worth, Renton is not in Seattle. But, Mike, it is closer than San

Eliza Fournier <EFournier at chicagobotanic.org> wrote: Can anyone help
this teacher?


From: Kristen Brenneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 1:36 PM
To: Eliza Fournier
Subject: School Garden Project in Seattle--The Nature Zone

Dear Eliza,

I am a third grade teacher at Sierra Heights Elementary School in
Renton, WA.  I recently wrote a grant to begin an outdoor learning
classroom at our school.  I received the grant money of $500 and my
students and I are going to begin the garden ASAP.  We heard about you
from the "Background Building" Audio CD from our reading series.  The
students thought it would be great if I contacted you for help in our
garden.  When we recently listened to the audio CD, we realized you
located in Chicago and not Seattle.  Do you have any way of assisting
from Chicago?  We don't have enough money, or we would fly you out to
visit us!!  Is there someone in the Seattle area that could assist us?
Your job sounds really great, and we are very excited to get started
our school and community garden.  Please contact me at your
as you are probably really busy.  Thanks for taking the time to read
this email.  Thank you in advance for any help.


Kindest Regards,


Kristen Brenneman

Sierra Heights Elementary

Phone:  (425) 204-4674-school

             (425) 260-2384-cell

              (206) 937-9913-home


Address:  4308 SW Hinds St.

               Seattle, WA  98116

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Steven Garrett, PhC, MS, RD
Ph.D. Candidate, Social and Environmental Geography
University of Washington and
Nutrition Education Evaluation Specialist
Washington State University
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