You know, Adam - its not useful to be so belittling about others' particular 
political view about Starbucks just because you want the coffee and the coffee 
grinds. You are so good at supporting discussion of and participation in 
social justice issues all the time that it comes out of right field to hear you 
sound this way.  If you don't like the way people express their distress with 
the ever growing Starbucks - say that. If you really don't think there have 
scary consequences and behaviors of Starbucks -say that. Announce the coffee 
grinds. If you get a vicious response figure out what is that throws you for 
such a loop or ignore it, or figure out why you don't agree.  But to go on a 
rant like you just did is obnoxious. Get over it!      Laurie -  Chicago

Laurie Tanenbaum 
Grounds For Growth

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