I've been on this list for a little while now and have been reading all the great discussions going on. I'm very interested in starting a community garden in my neighborhood and may soon (within the next two or three years) have the chance to help design and get one going. I live in a working-class suburban type area and would love to use the garden to teach others how to grow vegetables and they could then transfer that knowledge to their own backyards (right now I have my own small 6x6 veggie garden in my yard but I admit I still have a lot to learn myself). Anyway, I managed to convince my county commissioners to build a park in our neighborhood for the kids(they allocated $200,000 for the project), and after speaking to the guy in charge of the project in the parks dept. he said it would be possible to put in a community garden (as a part of the park) as long as they had the spare land to do so. So how many square feet do you think I can estimate would be needed for a small community garden? If they do have the space-how should we design the garden? Basically, my neighbors and I would have the unique opportunity of designing the garden ahead of time and starting completely from scratch. So I'm looking for ideas on what we might need and putting it all to the best possible use. Such as: what type of fencing is best? How should we initially amend the soil, what should we use? How wide should the path to walk through the garden be? What would you do if you had this opportunity??? Janel

This life is a test... had it been a real life you would
have recieved instuctions on where to go and what to do.
                                     Angela Chase

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