Deborah and Evan
I agree that using bioremediation would be great to use to heal the soil. It
is not right that pollution can be an excuse to take the land and use it for
private gain. It also shows such a lack of respect for a garden that has
been there for so long. What about raised beds for the areas which are
farmed?Also there is a good thread on this topic at:

 More and more it seems that there isn't land anywhere which doesn't have
some sort of pollution and we might be at a point where we all have to do
something to help, not just scape the land and dump it 'somewhere'. Any

Thanks for the article.
Collembola is an interesting and ancient lifeform!

[Isn't it funny how many minds can be thinking/writing about the same things
at once. For some time I have had collembola in every pot on my back steps.
I have also had a lot of plants and seedlings die or look under the weather.
I didn't know what they were and caught a couple and took them to nurseries
to find out but no-one seemed to know, and the otherday after a search on
the web found out about springtails. Now, I know they are great recyclers
and feel that their presence must be a symptom not just a cause. I am
experimenting with different ways to try to convince them not to be around
my plants in such great numbers. Repotting after laying out the soil over
bricks in the sun seems to be working, as is raising the pots off the ground
with pebbles. Gardens are such complex ecosystems and it is hard to know
what causes what without testing everything, and maybe the type of
springtails here do like an occasional nibble on fine roots (I have strong
suspicians), more than anything though, I think maybe they are visiting in
such numbers in order to convince me to spend more time in my own little
patch, paying attention to the little pot garden than I have.]


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