
Every time the commerical for Archer Daniel Midlands comes on after the 
"McNeil Lehrer News Hour" on PBS, my wife hisses.  Allegra is not a big 
anti-corporate basher, as a nurse she's too busy for that, but she has it in 
personal for 
Archer Daniel Midlands for making corn syrup so cheap in the 1970s that it 
replaced cane sugar in Coca Cola - thus ruining it for most of us who remember 
what it tasted like. 

Yes friends, I realize that Coke is not health food by any stretch of the 
imagination, but the old cane sugar Coca Cola was a flavor of our youth - 
snatched away by corporate greed and cheap corn. 

There is a product out now, which is put out by the Boyland Soda company 
called "Cane Cola" which ain't bad - but it's not what we grew up with. 

Best wishes,
Adam Honigaman
Seltzer Drinker Now

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