Looks like a great study - there's an ACGA group that's collecting Community 
Garden research for the purpose of arguing for community gardens - a quick 
glance makes this look like a great candidate. 
 Thanks Sunny!!!
This is EXACTLY what many interested community gardeners are looking for as 
part of the content mix on this listserve. 
Best wishes, 
Adam Honigman
Dues Paying 
Rank-and File ACGA member
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 7:07 PM
Subject: [cg] Kingston Food Miles Study [ON, Canada]

Ladies and gents,

I did not have the chance to say that it's good to hear of all the  
things you speak of on this list serve.    In this I felt like  
contributing in hopes that it might help someone somewhere  - maybe  
for arguing for more community gardens?

I've done a small side research project in addition to my main  
project report on urban agriculture on food miles in Kingston,  
Ontario, Canada.  In addition, the link to the companion study from  
Waterloo, Ontario is within it.

Feel free to download it from:  http://qlink.queensu.ca/~0sol/ 
My last test indicated it wasn't in error - please do correct me.

The sun smile on all of you,
Sunny Lam

Graduate Student
Masters of Environmental Studies
School of Environmental Studies
Biosciences Complex Rm 2112b
Queen's University
Kingston, ON   K7L 3N6
Phone:  +1 613 531-0260
Office Phone:  +1 613 533 6000 ext. 78576

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