-----Original Message-----
>> Hi.
>> I need to make the 12v sweep off a SE and SE/30 power supply.
>> I have no idea what it is.
>> If someone can help me figure this out, I will build a 150w SE power
>> supply.

>OK,I found the schematic and looked at it with a technician friend of mine.
>It looks like it is just 12v. Good quality 12v to run the video on the
analog board.
>Is that true?

John, perhaps it would help if you said *what* you need to know this for.
Are you trying to find a clean 12v source to add some sort of modification?
Ate you looking at playing with the video circuitry to change yokes/CRTs
etc? If we had an idea of *why* you want to know where the sweep voltages
are, perhaps we could better help you.

I'll be happy to help if I can better understand your question!


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