Travis Watkins wrote:
> On 1/2/07, David Reveman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've fixed the problem with an error being generated when setting an
>> option to the existing value. Dbus plugin is not sending any reply
>> messages so it's supposed to time out unless a error is generated.
> You mean the timeout that causes my app to lock up for seconds or
> makes me use threads is by design? :/
Dbus does in theory allow for methods that do not
return, I could not work out how to use this in
Python which is why my original patches included
a simple boolean return value.

>> I'm hoping that this is fixed now, not sure though. Let me know how it
>> works.
> Now it seems like setting string lists results in the list getting
> emptied.

I think this is also a non-bash specific problem.

The command line bindings do not mind about
function declarations, but all the other bindings have
a problem with it, the signatures do not match for
variable parameters.

I think the correct solution would be to allow
the dbus plugin to receive arrays and convert them
to lists internally.  I can have a look at doing this
if you do not mind.

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