I'm sorry for being rude, but I am quite upset by this, because it has
gone too far.

I posted a few weeks ago that I was going to be working on zoom over
the summer to improve the accessibility, and I have already begun to
do that. Every step of the way I have made frequent commits to
opencompositing.org and described the progress in my blog.

I asked for information about what your (David) plans was, you thanked
me for informing me on what I was going to work on and said you'd get
back to me. You never did.

Now today you commit "11fe37b7673b15e5cbd4be21759311087d9d8694" which
introduce major changes to the zoom plugin. You did NOT give a heads
up on this, even though you should have known I was working on this.

This is simply unacceptable.

When you are going to make changes and people have already told you
they are working on that code, you have to actually communicate with
them, not drop a 1k diff on them. It's not just your time that matters
here, but ours too. This is not how people are supposed to co-operate.

And also, when you write something, you have to document it.

A few lines for each function, explaining what it does. You don't have
to explain how or why, just WHAT. This is a common practice that I
should NOT have to explain to an experience developer.

Please document your changes to the zoom plugin properly so our USERS
don't have to choose between two different feature sets when they want
to zoom. Because this is about the users, not my pride.

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