On Thu, 2007-05-31 at 02:19 +0200, Kristian Lyngstøl wrote:
> I'm sorry for being rude, but I am quite upset by this, because it has
> gone too far.
> I posted a few weeks ago that I was going to be working on zoom over
> the summer to improve the accessibility, and I have already begun to
> do that. Every step of the way I have made frequent commits to
> opencompositing.org and described the progress in my blog.
> I asked for information about what your (David) plans was, you thanked
> me for informing me on what I was going to work on and said you'd get
> back to me. You never did.
> Now today you commit "11fe37b7673b15e5cbd4be21759311087d9d8694" which
> introduce major changes to the zoom plugin. You did NOT give a heads
> up on this, even though you should have known I was working on this.
> This is simply unacceptable.
> When you are going to make changes and people have already told you
> they are working on that code, you have to actually communicate with
> them, not drop a 1k diff on them. It's not just your time that matters
> here, but ours too. This is not how people are supposed to co-operate.
> And also, when you write something, you have to document it.
> A few lines for each function, explaining what it does. You don't have
> to explain how or why, just WHAT. This is a common practice that I
> should NOT have to explain to an experience developer.
> Please document your changes to the zoom plugin properly so our USERS
> don't have to choose between two different feature sets when they want
> to zoom. Because this is about the users, not my pride.

I never intended my zoom plugin to be "the" zoom plugin. It's just "a"
zoom plugin that implements some zoom functionality. I hope that people
haven't been under the impression that any zoom functionality that could
be written would have to go into my zoom plugin. That's definitely not
what I'd like to see. I'd like to see different zoom plugins that
implement different zoom functionality. There's no reason the user
should have to choose between them, they should be able to use them all
at the same time if they want that.

I always though that my zoom plugin was useless and more for demo
purposes. I wrote a more useful zoom plugin a while ago and I though it
made sense to replace the existing zoom plugin with this one, which is
what I did yesterday. 

If someone found the old functionality useful or if you've been able to
build something useful from it then I'm happy to see it available as an
additional zoom plugin.

The things I wanted to get back to you on related to the zoom work you
do has very little to do with the implementation of zoom plugins and
more to do with how other changes are important to make zoom
functionality useful. E.g. changes I'd like to make to the core which
will allow applications to incrementally move towards using resolution
independent retained mode rendering etc. but I have unfortunately not
had time to do that yet.

You can ignore my recent changes to the zoom plugin in the fdo repo and
keep working on your zoom plugin. I don't want my changes to cause you
any unnecessary pain and I'm sorry if they got you upset.


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