
> > I'm not sure what will end up in 0.6 and not. I'm not going to be much
> > in charge of what goes into 0.6 and not. We can revert the commit that
> > added the XCB requirement and re-base the 0.6 branch on head if people
> > are interested in that.
> I think 0.6 got branched at a good time.  The XCB requirement is
> something I'd like to avoid for this release.  

Yeah, I also think we definitely don't want the XCB requirement in the
0.6 release (sidenote: When will the libX11 1.1.2 specfile in CVS land
in rawhide? ;-) ).

> The options rewrite
> looks like a big improvement, but it breaks compiz-fusion
> compatibility, so I think it makes sense to not include that in 0.6
> either.

The CF compatibility is no big deal, we just need a few days to adapt
the code. The plugins, libcompizconfig and the backends are already
done; just the python bindings and ccsm is missing at the moment.

The more interesting question from my POV is if we want to pull the
action changes in due to their size. They bring good improvements, but
big changesets always may bring along some regressions; and our time
window for release is not too big. Any thoughts on that?

> Since I have some interest in seeing the 0.6 release go out, I can
> volunteer to drive that unless somebody else wants to.  

I started charry-picking to the 0.6 branch, but if you have some spare
time, help is always appreciated ;-)
I will pick up the plain bug fixes from master over the next few days.

> I have a few
> patches over here that I think are suitable for the 0.6 branch
>   http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~krh/compiz/log/?h=fedora
> Aside from those changes, my plan for 0.6 is to just collect what
> fixes come in from fedora and other distros and then release 0.6
> mid-september.  How does that sound?

That sounds pretty good - actually, I wanted to propose a release within
4-6 weeks when I read your mail, so our schedules seem to match :-)
I'd think we have a look at the patches the distros carry (Fedora,
OpenSuse and especially Ubuntu, as those are the guys who want to enable
Compiz by default) and the bug trackers and do a release when there are
no show-stopping and/or annoying bugs left.



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