
> > Hi, u found this bug with compiz turned on:
> >
> > "metacity doesn't know what is the full screen resolution"
> > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=431302
> >
> > Can you please look at it and say if this looks like a compiz, X,
> > gnome which bug :)
> >
> > Thank you very much in advance,
> > Valent.
> On Fedora bugzilla[1] Matej suggested[2] that this is compiz bug, 

Oh, how I love this "I don't know why and give no reason, but I blame
compiz". :-/

> but
> I attached[3] a new image that shows same bug on KDE 4.0. AFAIK KDE
> 4.0 uses its own compositing and not compiz so this looks maybe as
> some underlaying bug? X.org maybe?

I'm inclined to say that this is broken Xinerama information provided by
the driver.

> If you think it is a compiz bug just tell me and I will enter new bug
> in compiz bugzilla.

You already have opened one in the Compiz Fusion bugzilla[1] - that's
enough ;-)
I've added a test tool to this bug; please provide its output.



[1] http://bugs.opencompositing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=765

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