
I'm about to start implementing 

#010534: Command Line Runner to install/save Database Schemes

and would like to get your feedback on the following suggestions:

commandline tools in eZComponents

 - scripts are executable, without suffix (.php) and start
   with ezc-COMPID-, where COMPID specifies the component
   they belong to. The COMPID can be a shortcut like
   dbschema for DatabaseSchema.
   The minus signs are borrowed from git, but we can also
   agree on dropping them.

 - The ConsoleTools/bin directory contains a script
   ezc-base-updatesymlinks, which creates symlinks from the
   scripts of all components into the ezc/Base/bin directory
   or in another directory. So the user can either put links
   in his /usr/bin or in ezc/Base/bin and needs to add only
   one directory to his PATH.

   The ezc-base-updatesymlinks script can be reused from
   client code to also link their scripts. Therefor the
   script accepts a parameter to provide the path to the bin
   directories of the client application.

 - The console component provides a library of option
   definitions, which can be reused by all components.
   Furthermore every component can have it's own library.
   If the component depends on another component (like PO
   and DbSchema on DB) then it may reuse the options library
   of that component.


   The Db library provides the option dsn, which is useful
   for DbSchema and PO too.

   Applications build on top of ezc are free to reuse all
   option libraries.

 - ezcBase contains a console_bootstrap.php file, which
   builds up the console environment or fails if
   ConsoleTools is not installed.

 - More thoughts must be spend on how to automatically
   document scripts on the website and in man pages.

Where to place scripts?

There has been a thread on where to place scripts:


The options
1. --forget it --
2. Make a scripts directory in the src dir of a component
   + script together with the component where it belongs
   - can add (optional) requirements to the component

3. Make a new scripts component for each component named 
   + Nice handling of requirements
   - Lots of components

1 2 3
  +    Alexandru Stanoi
    +  Derick
  +    Raymond Bosman
  +    Sergiy Alyeksyeyev
    +  Kore Nordmann
    +  Tobias Schlitt (for scripts without external DEPS: 2)

There was no final decission on this discussion. I propose a

 1. All scripts depends on ConsoleTools

 2. If the component itself depends on another component
   (like PO, DbSchema on DB), then the script may also
   depend on that component and may be placed inside the

 3. For scripts, that depends on multiple components and
   where rule 2 not applies, make a separate component.

 4. scripts should be placed in bin subdirs as it is unix
   standard. Even for components, which only contains
   scripts, this applies, to have consistency.

Thomas Koch, Software Developer

Young Media Concepts GmbH
Sonnenstr. 4
CH-8280 Kreuzlingen

Tel    +41 (0)71 / 508 24 86
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