Am Freitag 20 Juni 2008 09:46:51 schrieb Gaetano Giunta:
> > Do you have reasons, why you worry about the ".php"?
> Windows!
> You can set up the equivalent of the hashbang there, but afaict almost
> nobody does. And no execute bit, means people invoke scripts using "php"
> on the command line (technically double clicking could work, but it
> makes hard to read the output ;) Plus people are so used to seeing the
> .php extensions they would be puzzled to find a php file that does not
> have it - in the past the .inc extension already messed up way too much
> with this.
> I also always run the php cli using a different ini file than the web
> version on unix, so the command looks more like /usr/local/bin/php5 -c
> /etc/php5/cli - this is going to happen esp. when you have lots of
> different php installs on one box.
> Shell scripts are a bit different imho: 1- they were used without suffix
> from day one, and 2- they do not have an ini file with a ton of options
> anyway
> just my 2c
> Gaetano

Hi Gaetano,

I'm sorry, but you'll definitely, don't win any sympathy with me for windows 
compatibility. I even do not understand, why somebody should dare to use 
windows for any working purpose anyway. :-) 

I've now searched "shebang windows" and understand that you would have to 
invoke the commands (I rather call them neutral commands then scripts) with:

php ezc-command

This works even with the shebang in the file, which is simply ignored by 

I vote to skip the ".php" extension to remind windows user that their OS is 
not intended for any other usage then gaming, especially not responsible 

Best regards,
Thomas Koch, Software Developer

Young Media Concepts GmbH
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