Hello Roderik,

On Tue, 6 Jan 2009, Roderik van der Veer wrote:

> I'm caching every page in the site, for 1 year, and a few minutes 
> after startup the framentation starts and increases gradually until 
> the server goes down. I don't understand why there is fragmentation to 
> begin with, the cache is not full, the cache lifetime is 1 year long 
> so nothing should get tossed out. The only information i found online 
> describes fragmentation when the cache is full.

This seems indeed strange. I'll see if I can have a chat with the APC 
developers about this. I don't think this is anything that we (ez 
components team) can do about unfortunately, as we just call APC's 
store() and fetch() functions.

I'll keep you posted on it.

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