this is bad practice imho, since it would lead to a bidirectional dependency 
from ezcBase on the components that require a registry since typehints and 
interface checks have to be implemented in the ezcBase Registry then, although 
supposedly all components have a dependency on ezcBase and not the other way 

On Tuesday 14 April 2009 10:20:45 Thomas Koch wrote:
> Hi,
> I opened an issue[1] that ezcSearch misses lazy initialization and as a
> first attempt to solve it, I copied ezcPersistentSessionInstance and
> addapted it as ezcSearchInstance.
> But ezcPersistentSessionInstance has itself been copied from
> ezcDatabaseInstance. And I need another xyzInstance for a private component
> of mine. And surely there'll be more things to store and retrieve instances
> for.
> My first thought was to write an abstract ezcBaseInstance that would be
> extended by ezc[PersistentSession|Database|Search|Whatever]Instance, but
> unfortunately this doesn't really help since we miss late static binding.
> So my proposoal would be to provide a registry class in ezcBase that's much
> the same as the current classes, but takes an additional $type parameter
> for every method. Please see the attached code for an example.
> The current Instance classes would be left as is, but deprecated in favor
> of the registry.
> Best regards, Thomas
> [1]

Benjamin Eberlei
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