Is there a reason why we need to decide, in advance, which of these many
candidates should be the anchorman? If we set up a whole swathe of them,
surely a week of random even games answers many of these questions and gets
us well on our way to a stable basis for a 19x19 competition? Maybe after
the first 100 games between each pairing we can even play at random
handicaps. I realise that there are questions that even this will not
answer, but at least we will have numbers to argue over.

I suggest:

a) everyone who has knows of a reasonable contender for the role posts a URL
and details of how to set it up.
b) those of us who have access to a machine that can reasonably run a go
player for a week offer to host / run one of these
c) once the resource constraints become clear it may be possible to host
more than one player per machine.

I'm more than happy to volunteer a machine week for such a purpose, and a
couple of hours to set a player up. Unfortunately my own computer-go player
will probably not be robustly playable in time.

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