On 1/19/07, A van Kessel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Erik van der Werf's thesis was mainly about
transposition table replacement algorihtms, IIRC.

No it wasn't. I think you're confusing me with Dennis Breuker.

see: http://www.xs4all.nl/~breukerd/thesis/index.html

I have some knowledge on transposition tables, and have even done some
experiments along the lines as suggested by the original poster, but
it was definitely not the main topic of my thesis (which btw can be
found at http://erikvanderwerf.tengen.nl/pubdown/thesis_erikvanderwerf.ps.gz).

My personal summary: it is very hard to be more clever
(at replacement) than "always replace when hitting an occupied slot".

Yes, "new" does quite well under most circumstances. However,
something like "TwoBig" should be easy to implement with UCT. An
interesting question may be how to efficiently free memory from
entries that become irrelevant in the continuation of a game (after
the actual moves made have ruled out portions of the full game-graph),
but this is probably not an issue in the context of the original
poster's question.

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