I watched MoGo playing on KGS. I played couple games myself. It plays solidly 
at 4k level, even though human players' winning percentage will probably 
increase somewhat after a few games. This is not due to that people can find 
weakness of MoGo. It's because people will be more used to its playing style. 
Also people will pay more attention to certain aspects of the game. For 
example, MoGo finds and attack weakness well. MoGo plays a center centric style 
of game which is not the usual way of human playing. With the addition of 
fuseki and joseki library will its rating increase? Especially a fuseki 
library. Will a fuseki library be consistent with its playing style?
I cannot argue with the test results about the relation between rating and 
computer speed. I can point out one thing. For human players a difference of 2 
kyu means that the winning ratio of the stronger player is almost 100%. My 
feeling is that it's going to take more than double of speed for MoGo to reach 
3kyu. It may be a quadruple of speed. And this factor will increase for each 
subsequent increase of the rating level. 
So far not much game specific knowlege is combined with UCT. So we have not yet 
see its full poential. Will it reach Dan level?  
Daniel Liu
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