On 5/17/07, Rémi Coulom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Álvaro Begué wrote:
> There are many things in the paper that we had never thought of, like
> considering the distance to the penultimate move.
That feature improved the effectiveness of progressive widening a lot.
When I had only the distance to the previous move, and the opponent made
a dangerous move, Crazy Stone sometimes wanted to tenuki at the root, to
move the focus of local search away from the danger. Considering the
distance to the penultimate move fixes a lot of the problems of local
search. Maybe I should try to consider distances to even older moves.

Nice paper, thanks! It's funny to see the distance to the last move
now being used as an effective feature in Mont Carlo. Only a few years
ago I got a lot of religious criticism when I used it in my move

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