On 5/18/07, Chrilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
When going down a variation the Hash and other Board-State Information like
e.g. the KO-Point are stored on a stack. Starting from the current Top of
Stack the detection goes down and search for the same hash-key and Ko-Point.
Its the "Repeated Position" Detection method of chess. The Gamestack-Pointer
is decremented by 2, one can stop, when a non-capturing move is done (in
chess its the other way round).

Non-capturing moves can create repetition (but there will of course be
captures elsewhere in the cycle). Fortunately, there are other simple
criteria. E.g., you can stop whenever a move is played on an
intersection for the first time.

If a SuperKO occurs, the position is evaluated by the Material-Balance.
BlackCaptures - WhiteCaptures + Komi.

I guess you mean the *change* in material balance after one cycle. I
don't see why komi should be used here.

Probably a better way is to ignore the result.

Only for balanced cycles.

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