On 7/9/07, Nick Wedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Also, HB04 does not show up in the names of programs page. Of course,
>the housebot logins are piling up:
>HouseBot: Intended for stable version of HouseBot. It's the only
>ranked account.
>HB04 - Very old HouseBot 0.4 - Extremely fast play based on 1-ply move
>HB05 - HouseBot 0.5 - Global alpha-beta search
>HBotSVN - Latest and greatest version of HouseBot, generally
>experimental. Once upon a time, it was version 0.5 . In this last
>tournament, it was version 0.6.

I've added all that now.  Thank you for explaining these differences,
and for pointing out the other errors.

There's still one problem...
The description of HB04 says "Old version 0.4 of HouseBot. Uses MC/UCB, no
UCT".  In reality, it does not do MC (or UCB) at all.  It votes on moves
based on simple heuristics such as descending to protect a group's skirt,
placing stones in atari, forming benson unconditional life, etc...  It's
1-ply logic like UCB, but has absolutely no MC element.  That's why it plays
blazingly fast...  Games of HB04 vs. IdiotBot have been known to finish in
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