Hi Chrilly,

GoTraxx has a C# class that interfaces directly with CGOS. Should be fairly 
trivial to incorporate especially if it already knows GTP. The source code is 
up at CodePlex.

Regarding your prototype GUI, would you consider donating it the open source 
community, especially if you don't have much interest in it anymore? I could 
use it. Right now I use GoGui for the GUI, which is great, but sometimes I'd 
like to display internal data during debug for which GoGui would be too 
difficult to use.


Its really a prototype. The main purpose was to learn C#. I use it for 
developing, because I can then display the info I need. But its not in the 
state where one can give things away. D.Knuth has written about how reluctant 
he (and other scientist) was to publish his code. One always thinks "oh its a 
mess, it could be done much better and now the other people see what mess I 
have done".  Open-source programmers are in this respect very brave. I think 
this is the most positive effect of open-source. Its like when visitors are 
coming to ones home. One washes the dishes, cleans the carpet, no dirty 
underwear is lying around....

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