Hi Chrilly,

Take a look at this list, there are already maybe more than 100 posts
on this subject. While I agree with you, just don't worry, almost all
computer go games are with the same set of rules, just ignore the


2007/7/12, chrilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I am playing competitive tennis-table. There were for years a heated debatte
if the ball-diamater should be increased from 38 to 40mm and if the set
shall go to 11 instead of to 21. A few years ago, the decision was taken to
play with the 40mm ball to make the game slower and in turn to reduce the
set to 11.
Since then Chinese, Japanese, Korean and the rest of the world play with
40mm and stop at 11. After a short transition time, there is no discussion
at all about the new rules. Tennis, soccer, chess .... is played all over
the world in the same way.
Why is it not possible to establish uniform rules in Go? Is there not
something like a FIDE or a FIFA ?


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