
For reasons similar to those mentioned by others, I have found the phrase "artificial intelligence" to be less than adequate to convey my interests in this domain. And after considerable time, I came up with a term that I prefer; "synthetic awareness". It comes from having interests in several different domains which feed into my interest in fabricating non-homo-sapien memetic propagation.

First, synthetic is more inclusive. It means that borrowing and incorporating specialized awareness/knowledge from organic/memetic domains is included and acceptable. It also means that fabrication of new awareness/knowledge from strictly computation domains also works.

Secondly, awareness is more expansive than knowledge. Boolean mathematic frames (proof focused rule based systems) and the symbolic efficiencies around linguistics (must be able to be articulated accurately) have most "intellectuals" fixated on producing "idealized" knowledge. And while there is significant value in the results produced, the results (to me) are too sequential and fragile to be expected to scale up to extremely high levels of complexity. This is why computer Checkers/Draughts is solved, computer Chess is not solved but beat the highest skilled humans, and computer Go is not even effectively beating low ranking amateurs. Awareness covers much more complex notions like the subtleties implied in "intuition" and "creativity".

Here is my reframing of a statement by a psychology author, Nathanial Branden:
The need to create "synthetic awareness" has acquired a new urgency in the computational age. The more rapid then rate of change, the more fragile and dangerous it is to operate computers mechanically, relying on routines of Boolean software and Boolean behavior that may be irrelevant or obsolete.

As has been discussed ad infinitum here on computer_go, I don't see computer Go be solved meaning like Checkers/Draughts has been "solved". I do think it is achievable to generate some sort of computational result which can eventually outplay the humans of the highest skill. I also think some significant breakthroughs are required around the move away from booleans (perfect move-vs-imperfect move) and towards scalars (probability of each available move will lead to overall increased value).

While the domain of the rules of Go feel very "rigid", the complexity is so vast that any idealized solution is going to turn out to be a local optima, i.e. with enough effort and exploration, it will be discovered the idealized solution, too, has weaknesses which can be exploited and eventually cause it's failure. As such, the more dynamic and creative the nature of the resulting "entity", the more likely it will be the entity can eventually hop out of the local optima in search of an even higher optima. The more reserved, risk averse and rigid the "entity", the more likely it will be unable to move forward and the sooner it will succumb to another "entity's" discovering it's weaknesses and eventually out-playing it.

Go is the perfect game for demonstrating that even with a perfectly rigid foundation, the solution space is vastly more effectively searched via dynamic evolving mechanisms than via static rigid mechanisms. And as can be seen with the recent UCT/MC results, we are still just barely above randomness in terms of discovering and inventing solutions.


Erik van der Werf wrote:
On 7/21/07, Weimin Xiao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Intelligence is the ability to adapt or learn.

A hypothetical almighty oracle that already knows the correct answer
to every question and the right response in every situation would
never have to adapt. Hence evidence of intelligence according to your
definition would not be observed.

IMO the adaptation is just a means to an end. The end (Intelligence,
whatever it is) does not necessarily require adaptation.

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