Jason House wrote:
I believe the original paper used 32 simulations from each point as part of its pattern... But the spirit of it (as I understand it) really is to bias the 1-ply move selection at the start of MC searches. (In Crazy Stone, just 3x3 patterns are used at deeper ply?)

elife wrote:
I think CrazyPattern does not do any simulation at all. It just predict the move according pattern lib and Generalized Bradley-Terry model.

Crazy Patterns does run 63 simulations. But there is no tree search, and I do not believe that more simulations would make it play any better. As Cai wrote, Crazy Patterns simply computes a probability distribution with the generalized Bradley-Terry model. It runs a few simulations anyways, because Monte-Carlo owner is one feature of the Bradley-Terry model. But there is no tree search at all.

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