More than a week ago, Sylvain Gelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

I am pleased to announce a binary release of current version of MoGo.
It is specially designed for players but of course it may be
interesting for some of you as a benchmark.
You download it and see the instructions there:

< snip >

I would also take this occasion to say "goodbye" to you all, and thank
you for all the discussions. I now finished (and almost defended :))
my PhD, and my work on MoGo is finished. So it is very likely that I
will not make any further contribution to MoGo. I would like to say
that I spent a very good year in the computer Go community, with of course a
warm special thank to Yizao. Of course, I will follow the future
discussions on this list with pleasure.

I would like to thank Sylvain Gelly and the rest of the MoGo team for creating such a strong program, and one which has added such interest to the monthly bot tournaments on KGS.

I hope that, one way or another, MoGo will continue to compete in these events. I do not know what the team's plans are. If development of MoGo is to continue (though no longer under Sylvain's leadership), I hope the developers will continue to enter it for these events. If development is to be frozen, or for some reason not made public, then I would like to see MoGo in its current state continue to compete in these events as a benchmark. Its source code has been released, and there is (I understand) a Windows executable available, so this should not be a problem. But it would be good to see someone volunteer for the responsibility of running MoGoBot in these events, in the Formal division or in both divisions.

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