On 10/22/07, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I personally hate XML.   It's crazy to reject SGF because of it's
> readability only to use XML which is verbose and only somewhat readable
> if you carefully construct it to be.    What is crazy to me is that it
> was desgined to be HUMAN readable,  and yet the argument to use it is
> that there are lots of libraries to create it and parse it.   It's
> almost impossible to write XML manually without bugs.   As far as I'm
> concerned you might as well use a much more efficient binary format if
> it's designed to be used with libraries for reading and writing.
> Just my opinion,  don't want to start any wars here ... :-)

Wow, you had a much stronger reaction than I had expected.  My only problem
with sgf has always been how points are specified.

I'd just like to see adoption of a standard file format for go that is human
readable.  To me, that requires "standard" algebraic notation such as "E4".
I'd definitely prefer to see an sgf-like or PGN-like variant over XML.  I
can't yet commoent on JSON or YAML.

PS: Care to create an example of a JSON/YAML file excerpt that includes a
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