> yes. Allowing everyone to add non-standard properties means that
> you cannot validate the files in a meaningful way anymore.
> Also, I haven't really seen convincing use cases for non-standard
> properties. SGF defines (more than) enough, even if some of them
> are a bit underspecified ...

I've been using the C[] tag whenever I've wanted to "extend" SGF with a
non-standard property. It has the great advantage that just about every
SGF viewer allows viewing and editing of comments; the same cannot be
said for support of some of the more exotic commands.

Re: XML vs. SGF, neither is particularly easy to parse, but sgf has the
market share, so I think ultimately the argument is pointless.

Re: changing SGF coord syntax: does anyone seriously read or edit sgf by
hand? Get yourself an sgf viewer. The only people who ever have to deal
with "B[dc]" are the programmers on this list, and I'm sure we're all
capable of writing "board_height-y".

And, as I'm here spouting opinions, I think the bicycle shed should be
painted chrome, so it looks all futuristic.


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