Hi Dave,

Two servers is easy,  but 1 server is better.    The plan is that I will
combine fast and slow games into one server.    When a slow round is
complete,   there will be a delay while the current fast round is being
completed.    In this way a program can play both fast and slow games or
both, but the slow games will get precedent.    The fast games will be
played basically to fill the time between long slow rounds and also
enable a bot to get both a slow and fast rating.     

This won't be that complicated to add.    If it works, we could do this
with 9x9 games too. 

There are some optimizations too.  If a slow round completes and none of
the fast programs want to play slow games, we can start the next slow
round immediately.     Basically, the scheduling is exactly the same as
I do now,  there are just two sets of scheduling rounds, one fast and
one slow.   The only other difference is that when a slow round
completes,  the server waits on any slow players who might be playing a
fast game.     I think I would make the fast games significantly faster
than the slow games, so that the wait between slow rounds is
minimal.     But that of course would be configurable. 

You will be able to specify that you only want fast games if that's what
you want.   Or that you only want slow games.   The default will be both
types of games.

In this way,  we can get the best of both worlds.   Fast bots can play
fast games exclusively if that's what they want to do.   The variety of
opponents will be a little more limited for fast bots,  but as long as
there are at least 2 bots willing to play a fast game, a game will happen.

- Don

> Couldn't there just be two servers? There were multiple volunteers. A
> server with long games might draw more viewers but fewer participants.
> Shorter games would be more helpful for those of us working on weak
> 19x19 programs that other people are less interested in anyway.
> - Dave Hillis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: terry mcintyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: computer-go <computer-go@computer-go.org>
> Sent: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 2:16 pm
> Subject: Re: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS
> Regarding Don Dailiey's rationale for CGOS and 30-minute (or longer)
> time controls: a hearty AMEN!
> The goal here is to improve the quality of play - not merely at blitz
> pace, but at slower  rate more comparable to the pace of humans.
> Some older programs  peak at 10 minutes for a 19x19  game; they were
> designed to run on  50 MHz machines,  a decade back.
> It might be that, for the short term, variations of Monte Carlo on 
> quad  cpus  can make better use of  30 minute or longer time controls
> than the traditional single-threaded programs. What better incentive
> to the developers to  try multi-threading?  They'll need a strong
> incentive to do so, since it is a non-trivial step.
> But consumers of Go programs will benefit from stronger, more
> interesting competition.
> Don's idea of packing in blitz games between the longer games makes a
> lot of sense; it would enable a second track for those who want
> results more quickly.
> Many thanks to Don and everyone else for making CGOS possible!
> Terry McIntyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> They mean to govern well; but they mean to govern. They promise to be
> kind masters; but they mean to be masters. -- Daniel Webster
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