I just updated the current viewer to version 0.35.

I added the remaining time display.

The default server is the 19x19 server, so if you use it for 9x9 you must
specify the server and port.     You must use the options like this:

    cgosview  -server server_name  -port portnum  -games 1,2,3,4,5

Games is optional, but it will pop up all the specified games.

- Don

Jason House wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-11-01 at 17:05 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
>> The source code is included - even though you probably don't realize
>> it.    There is a utility that will unpack the kit and reveal the source
>> code.   Then you can fix it, pack it back up and run it.    Google for
>> sdx.kit and tclkit and equi4 and you will find the details.   It's a
>> tcl/tk program. 
> For those considering doing this, here's some help... (I hope, I'm just
> figuring this out now)
> You'll need to download tclkit from [1] and sdx from [2].  sdx assumes
> it can find "tclkit", so after unpacking, you must rename it.
> Similarly, sdx will download as sdx.kit and the instructions I found say
> to rename it to sdx.
> The sdx unwrap (and wrap) should then be all that's needed to access the
> source.
> [1] http://www.equi4.com/pub/tk/8.4.16/
> [2] http://www.equi4.com/wikis/equi4/206
>> I think this would be relatively easy to do and a good feature.    While
>> you are at it,  add the feature to display the time used for each move :-)
>> - Don
>> Chris Fant wrote:
>>> It would be nice to be able to automatically follow all the games for
>>> a certain bot.
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