I have my own webserver and would be willing to host an OSS project like cgos.
Sourceforge is nice, but I thought one of the funky rules was that you
had to assign the copyrights to the FSF or something.

Either way, if CGOS was put under some kind of FOSS license it would
be nice, and would allow other people to work on it. Would need a
maintainer though.


On 11/1/07, Jason House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand a lot of the burden that's on Don to maintain CGOS.  I
> think that using http://www.sourceforge.net could lower a lot of the
> maintenance work for him.  Here's the individual features that I know
> would help:
> * Wiki page - Allows the community to maintain the web page, adding
> minor updates or clarifications as needed
> * Download files section - Shows grouped, versioned, and timestamped
> files along with details about how each one should be used.
> * Source Control - CVS or subversion interface for source code.  This
> can allow other developers to commit official changes without going
> through Don.
> If everyone (especially Don) agrees, I'd be willing to set this up.
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