I think how 5x5 was solved was part of a thesis.  I don't have the URL or
author handy.

7x7 is semi-solved by a bunch of dans, but no formal proof of its
correctness is available.

I believe that past work used brute force alpha-beta with transposition
tables.  5x5 was made tractable by detecting living groups as early as
possible.  Sorry that I don't remember any more details on that.

I'm also pretty sure that Aloril had a bot called GodBot that relied on
perfect information.

On Nov 7, 2007 2:03 PM, Ben Lambrechts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I want to create a perfect player on board sizes 3x3, 5x5 and maybe 7x7
> and beyond.
> But I have no idea how to start. How do I create the move database and how
> do I select the perfect move for every position?
> I know Go is solved on boards 5x5 and smaller, but there is no program
> that plays by this perfect moves.
> Has anyone did this before or has anybody thoughts about this?
> Ben
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