On Oct 2nd 2007 Heikki wrote:
>> I was thinking that it could be quicker to do prototyping in something like
>> python, while having fast low-level functions in C. Since we already have
>> Lukasz Lew's ego library, I wonder if anyone has written a wrapper around it
>> to call it from python (or ruby, perl, or some other scripting language).

And I wondered:
> I think if you used swig then we could use your work for any scripting
> language, not just python:
>   http://www.swig.org/exec.html
> (Supported languages are listed on http://www.swig.org/compat.html )
> I've not used swig, so cannot be much help there, but I would be able to
> test it with PHP.

Rather than join in the current language war thread I thought I'd bump
this one. Heikki I wondered if you looked into this any further?


P.S. I'm especially interested if you found some problems with swig -
I'm reading up on making php extensions at the moment and wondering if
swig is easier or harder than going the php-only route.
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