On Nov 13, 2007 5:35 PM, Jason House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 13, 2007 11:23 AM, Heikki Levanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There are pathological cases where this has to loop many times, flood
> filling
> > the one liberty to a long chain of stones, but those should be rare.
> >
> This was my big turn-off.  I would expect the average case in mid-game to
> require several shakes (maybe 4?).  Even with 64 bit numbers, 9x9 bit boards
> don't fit... requiring lots of operations per shake.  With aspirations of
> 19x19, I figured the overhead would be too much.
> I never did any formal proof or disproof of that.

No need to get turned off on that. In most cases you don't need to
shake that much. Remember you only need to get the new stone and its
direct opponent neighbours connected to a liberty. There's plenty of
tricks for early termination. Last time I tested it I got ~75k uniform
random playouts on 9x9 (IIRC libego got ~100k on the same machine).

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