On Nov 13, 2007, at 8:35 AM, Jason House wrote:

On Nov 13, 2007 11:23 AM, Heikki Levanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There are pathological cases where this has to loop many times, flood filling
the one liberty to a long chain of stones, but those should be rare.

This was my big turn-off. I would expect the average case in mid- game to require several shakes (maybe 4?). Even with 64 bit numbers, 9x9 bit boards don't fit... requiring lots of operations per shake. With aspirations of 19x19, I figured the overhead would be too much.

I never did any formal proof or disproof of that.

(shake == expand in my code. I've also seen this called "dilation". Repeated dilation in a set defines Tromp-Taylor reachability.)

When I get back to my program, my next experiment would be to use bitmaps that know their y-extent. Most operations would then not be full-board any more.

Another idea is to cache the string bitmaps, but then the complexity goes high enough to make a mailbox implementation attractive again.

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