> On Sun, 2 Dec 2007, Russell Wallace wrote:
>> I haven't seen Leela before, but the claim of high dan-level
>> performance on 9x9 is certainly interesting.
> I don't think 2200 ELO on the 9x9 CGOS is equivalent to 'high dan-level'
> play.

I was under the impression that MoGo (approx 2350 CGOS) was
starting to cause trouble for pro players on 9 x 9. The released
Leela version is a bit stronger than the last on CGOS and uses
all CPUs, so "high dan level" was supposed to be a reasonable estimate.

If someone has factual data[*] about 9 x 9 performance of
current bots I'll gladly revise the estimate on the webpage
on my own.

[*] factual data is not: "I feel it's about 1kyu". Or "I played
a few games and it sucks in life & death. I had to take back a move
because I wasn't really concentrated but I beat it easily. Must be
less than 2 dan strength".

One of the best things I found was a report from a 6 dan that
he won a match 5-2 against an older version of MoGo. That puts
MoGo at about 4 to 5 dan. I don't think what I said is
unreasonable, unless a 5 dan is not considered "high dan level".

Arguing about this feels like a waste of time anyway. At the last
KGS tournament people were arguing that Crazy Stone is overrated
because "it can't be 1k".

The last time I saw this was when "dan" was called "grandmaster".

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