terry mcintyre wrote:
> Any estimate of winning probability is only as good as the estimates
> of whether particular games are actually won or lost.
So what?   This is about the sophistication of the approach you are
using.   Monte Carlo programs use the sophisticated approach of viewing
the game globally and to consider what they need to do to win.   I
cannot believe anyone is still suggesting that they just pick off
whatever they can and hope for the best.

Here is an example of why this works so well and why your greedy
approach is so wrong:

   Consider a position where there are 2 groups left that are being
fought over.  One of these groups is very large and the other is quite
small.    The computer must win one of these groups or it will lose the
game - but if it wins either group it wins the game.    The computer
estimates that attacking the huge group will result in an impressive win
with 80% confidence,   but attacking the small group will result in a
"tiny" win with 85% confidence.   

The way you guys are thinking,  the big group is the way to go - somehow
you must be imagining that it gives you a greater chance of winning the
game (because it's a much bigger group.)     But if either attack fails,
you lose.      Clearly, attacking the small group gives you a better
chance of winning.

But you say, "what if the computer doesn't reliably estimate this and
it's wrong?"    Well,  I'm sure it will make a lot of wrong estimates, 
but does that change anything?    Does that justify it abandoning the
strategy of trying to win?    

Monte Carlo play-outs are where these programs get their scoring
estimates.  If they are wrong, you can blame the play-outs.   If you
decide to count stones instead of wins,  you are still subject to

There is a fundamental difference, which apparently isn't obvious to
some of us, between playing to win and playing for stones.   These are 2
conflicting goals and like anything else in life, if you have
conflicting goals both goals suffer.

There is only one way around this - if you can give one goal complete
priority.   Many of us have tried to incorporate both goals and I have
not heard of anyone yet having success.

If you believe you can have your cake and eat it too,  then you are
really saying that you don't believe these goals conflict.     But we
have already proved they conflict.   Change your program to count stones
instead of wins and see what happens.  

- Don

> Evidently, even strong programs fail to recognize the impact of
> nakade, which will alter the score not by one point, but by ten or
> twenty.  Their estimate of winning probability is totally wrong. Good
> players winnow out losing moves and stick with good moves - the basic
> premise of minimax searching. Losing a big group will lead to a win
> only if one obtains equivalent compensation elsewhere. Good players
> sometimes make sacrifice plays, but failing to recognize that one's
> group is lost will totally skew one's estimate of one's winning chances.
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