I've been looking into GPGPU for several years now, there was even some buzz
in the comp-chess stream but the downsides seemed to be to much. Think the
big problem is the latency on the PCI/AGP bus. Though that might not be as
much an issue now with PCI-x, etc.

For more info I'd refer you to this site which has been using GPU's for


On Dec 6, 2007 7:32 PM, Darren Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> An interesting article on using GPUs for general purpose computation:
> http://www.linux-mag.com/microsites.php?site=business-class-hpc&sid=build&p=4543
> In (current mainstream) computer go there are two main CPU-bound
> algorithms: playouts (random, or incorporating logic or patterns) and
> tactical search. But the GPUs seem even more restricted in what they can
> do than the PS3 Cell processors (where the main restriction there was
> only a small amount of local memory). E.g. from the above article:
>    * No stack or heap
>    * No integer or bit-wise operations
>    * No scatter operations (a[i]=b)
>    * No reduction operations (max(), min(), sum())
> On the other hand this quote [1] from the Sh language page says it has
> for/if statements, which the latest GPUs support.
> Does anyone here both understood the above go algorithms *and* had
> experience with programming GPUs, and can confirm that they are not
> really useful?
> Darren
> [1]: From http://www.libsh.org/about.html
> Sh incorporates full language constructs for branching (e.g. for loops
> and if statements). Once GPUs are powerful enough to execute such
> constructs (which, to some extent, is true today) backends can be
> adjusted to compile such code to real hardware assembly. In the mean
> time our GPU simulator Sm implements various features expected to be in
> GPUs in the near future, such as a unified vertex and fragment
> instruction set.
> --
> Darren Cook
> http://dcook.org/mlsn/ (English-Japanese-German-Chinese free dictionary)
> http://dcook.org/work/ (About me and my work)
> http://dcook.org/work/charts/  (My flash charting demos)
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