On Thu, 2007-12-20 at 13:36 -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
> The only way this might help is in the opening or in very nearly
> symmetrical positions and this is really rare.   The possible slight
> benefit would be canceled by even a very small slowdown. 
> It would be useful on small boards as an opening book however where
> exact positions (or hashes) are stored.

And that was *exactly* what the OP was asking.

For fuseki/joseki collections, is is easy to transpose the board in such
a way that most of the stones are in one corner. Preferably the lower
left corner, since the X/Y-coordinates are smallest there. A simple
function , such as sum(black)+ 361*sum(white), where 'black' and 'white'
are the lineair coordinates (eg x+19*y) can be used for finding the
configuration where _most_ of the stones are in the preferred corner.
(Other functions can be used.)
A better (but more difficult to implement) method would be transpose the
board in such a way, that the stone that is closest to any edge is
located to a particular corner/edge (eg left bottom) . proceed to the
second closest until the tie-bereaker is found. If not: the position
*is* symmetric)
This method *is* costly, but that may be no problem when building a
database. When using is, one has to check against all the 8 or 16
configurations, which will differ in zobrist-hash (most of the time ;-).
Normally, the board will need to be flipped only a few times, using this
method; once one of the four corners becomes the crowded spot, it will
be the lower left, and stay that way for very long.

NB: The 'order by mass' method is used in stereo-chemistry: the four
neighboring atoms of a tetraeder are ordered by atomic mass, and the
compound can then be classified as L- or R-isomer.


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