I think your question boils down to answering what is meant by
"evaluate".  Chess has a heuristic that is easy to compute and gives a
good evaluation.  Go lacks this.  While probably an inferior evaluator,
the Bouzy 5/21 score estimator is an example from go that can be quite
slow.  UCT (or generically Monte Carlo) can "evaluate" a position fairly
quickly (maybe 1k-100k per second depending on how heavy the playout
is), they don't give a reliable estimate.  To improve this, they end up
reevaluating positions more than once (maybe 100 times?) to get a more
reliable estimate.

On Mon, 2008-01-14 at 17:44 -0800, mingwu wrote:
> Hi,
> I read on the web, and some other places that most Go programs can
> only evaluate "a dozen" of moves per second.  Is this still true today
> on a typical machine, say, single 2GHz CPU, 2GB memory?
> And if this is still true, how can we make it faster?
> To make the question more precise, I define a board updates as:
> suppose the program places a new move on an existing board, and then
> update all the blocks, dragons, eyes, connections, territory ... info,
> and output the evaluation as a score ( e.g. B leads by 15.5 points).
> I also read that UTC programs choose a move by running lots of
> simulations, are their update speed any faster? Or they evaluation
> lots of boards, but for each move they only calculate some very simple
> information (to me, it will still be a surprise, because to evaluate a
> Go board, one at least have to know the life/death of each dragon,
> that would require lots of computation, which I think is the primary
> reason that why Go programs is slow compared to Chess programs that
> can evaluate thousands or even millions of boards per second). 
> I'm just curious, any info / thoughts / comments is appreciated.
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