>   I'm sure many of us are surprised how well this stuff
> works.
I'm not surprised because I knew a little about the principle 10 years
ago.     I create a game based on English/British checkers but played on
a 6x6 board and a slightly different jump rule (you can only jump one
piece in a move.)   It was just for testing idea on searching and I
wanted to keep it simple.

I discovered that a monte/carlo based evaluation function is superior
compared to a simple hand crafted one.   It was better even at the same
time control.     This game was small enough that I could search
incredibly deep and discover diminishing returns (which must happen in
all games but happens much more gradually than intuition would suggest.) 

I tried a naive version of this with GO and discovered that it could
easily beat my alpha/beta searcher which had a naive static evaluation
function (because I had just learned the rules and didn't understand the
strategy whatsoever.)      But it was still very  weak and I temporarily
lost interest in it.

Then I saw a paper on the web about "gobble",  a go program that evolved
a move list ordering using simulated annealing.     My interest was
rekindled, I continued to tinker and eventually produced some simple MC
based programs which were predecessors of AnchorMan.      During this
period other papers started to appear which I followed closely and now
it's a common technique. 

Searching randomly is probably the quickest way to get an overview of
the landscape.   It's not very methodical,  but methodical methods are
much slower at quickly discovering the big picture. 

I'm thinking that the next big leap in computer go will be based on
generalizing the knowledge gained from the play-outs.   Right now,  we
structure this knowledge into a tree which is certainly an appropriate
representation but we are still throwing away a lot of useful (but
fuzzy) knowledge about the positions.    (For instance we have to
discover over and over than a certain move is good, not just in one line
but probably in most lines of play.)     There has been a lot of
progress in this direction but I'll bet there will be more.

I have tried some ideas that were failures so far - but I think this is
a productive direction in general.

- Don

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