> Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
>  > Multi-stone suicide is allowed, single stone not.
> I hadn't even considered suicide.(It would be a major change for me,
> as neither my Gui nor my board system allow such moves.)
> The question is Why do you do it?
> a. Just in case you wanted the entire program to support suicide go
> or
> b. Because that has some advantage as a random playout.
> If it was b, can anyone explain why suicide is a better evaluation for
> a normal (non suicide) game.

None of the above!

There are no advantages to allowing suicide, it is simply expensive for me
in terms of speed to forbid it in playouts. If this is not the case for
your board structure then you will probably want to forbid suicide.

Leela does not allow suicide in the GUI and the engine itself will also
never suicide in games.

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