Hideki Kato wrote:
Gian-Carlo Pascutto: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hideki Kato wrote:

delta_komi = 10^(K * (number_of_empty_points / 400 - 1)),
where K is 1 if winnig and is 2 if loosing.  Also, if expected
winning rate is around 50%, Komi is unmodified.
I don't think the formula you posted is correct.

It's just an experimental formla with no theoritical basis. I don't think we can discuss its "correctness."

Even if it's a heuristic the outcome should be sensible. For what you posted it doesn't seem to be at all. So I think that what you posted is not what is in the program. That is what I mean by "correct".

In the opening it gives delta_komi = 0.8 and in the endgame it gives
delta_komi = 0.1.

I'm sorry but I don't understand what do you want to say. Too small?

Yes. I don't understand how it can do anything if it adds _at most_ 0.8 points difference.

Should it have been 10* instead of 10^ or something?

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