On Sun, 2 Mar 2008, Don Dailey wrote:
My feeling is that in lost positions,  the only thing we are trying to
accomplish is to make the moves more cosmetically appealing (normal) and
at best improve the programs chances of winning against weak players.
After all, if the program is in bad shape,   then to be completely
realistic it's probably going to lose to the player that put it in this
bad shape.

I think you are wrong here.
If there are two lines of play from the viewpoint of the MC program:
 a) leads to a 0.5 pt loss
 b) may win if the opponent makes a stupid (!) mistake, but otherwise
    leads to a bigger loss.

It is generally better to play for the 0.5 point loss as the oppoenent
may make a end-game mistake and loses 1 point.
But naive MC programs typically go for (b) which will lead to a
devastating loss because the opponent usually does not make the 10 point
mistake, but may have made the 1 point mistake.

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