Quoting steve uurtamo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

cool.  do you have any examples from a 19x19 game?  that's what
i was referring to when i said that i've never seen an MC player
play out a ko fight.

Valkyria is unfortunately way to weak for 19x19. My argument is more that in principle MC programs plays ko fights perfectly but not in complex positions,and most 19x19 games are complex.

Actually one of my happiest moments of go programming was then my first MC-program played several kothreats in a 13x13 game. This surprised me because nothing in my program would "motivate" it to do so and I thought the search necessary to read it out was way beyond its capability but it was not. Then I realized that I no longer had to come up with some smart programming for ko and just could focus on other things.


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