the thing that got me thinking about this is that i've never seen an MC
player really play out a ko fight.  (or perhaps they are in their own cryptic
MC way that i can't see).

The fact is that MoGo does play out? Ko fights. It actually plays Ko fights 
more often and somewhat better than 3-4 kyu human players. Don't forget the MC 
program strength is about 3-4 kyu, evaluated so far. It's still too early to 
talk about 9 dan level of playing.

At the end of the day the playing strength of MC programs is limited by its 
equivalent search depth. Even locally MoGo's equivalent search depth is about 
10 plys. Armed with the knowledge of joseki a 3 - 4 kyu human player can?often 
look?deeper than?10 plys. The search depth of MC programs in a whole board 
search is an open question. So is for 3 -4 kyu human players.

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